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Beebli for publishers - Join our catalog

Beebli aims to make books even more accessible

A new way to distribute your catalog all over the world

Beebli offers you the possibility of making your catalog available everywhere in the world and for everyone, without exception! Overcome barriers, whether financial, logistical or even geographic.

A new promotion and sales channel without additional cost

At last, take advantage of direct and automatic compensation based on the actual consumption of your catalog. Beebli pays you from the first page read, even if the user only reads an extract! Create an additional income with each reading, recommendation, sharing or re-reading of a book.

Without realizing it, obtain more readers and increase your income with the unlimited subscription, without additional cost and without constraint.

Reach new readers

Introduce your catalog to new readers thanks to personalized proposals based on their reading taste.

Learn more about your readers’ habits

Get access to a personalized space on our website and benefit from our statistics on your readers’ habits: their profile, their favorite themes, their favorite books, the number of times your catalog has been read… and much more!

Personalized tools

Beebli wants to mix business with pleasure by offering readers the opportunity to enjoy your books to their full potential: annotate, save passages that have touched them, share a book with their loved ones or their ministry. Many features that will allow them to enrich themselves daily: at home, in transports or on vacation, with an offline mode allowing them to take your catalog everywhere.

How does it work?

Manage your catalog directly from your personal space in complete security. Load the ebooks you would like to integrate into the platform, consult your statistics, your royalties or your personal data.

To take part in this adventure, email us at [email protected]